I am so sorry that I haven't been around lately but as you know this year hasn't been the best. I finally thought things were looking up and I would be able to join you all again when my fabulous husband suffered two strokes, one he didn't even realise he had had, so as you can imagine it has been a really bad time. I had just spent the day at the NEC with my Mum at the Cake Show when it happened. He is on the road to recovery but it is going to be a while before things are back to normal. The worst thing for him is that it has affected his speech which he's finding really frustrating as it wears him out, not only with getting the words out but for his brain to form them in the first place. It has been such a rollercoaster ride with his emotions especially as he didn't realise it had already happened once without knowing, now he is so scared it will happen again, he is also so tired all the time. Mind you it still could have been so so much worse but at 54 you don't expect it to happen at all.
I have a couple of cards that I had made before to share with you but will try and join you all again as soon as possible.