As you know I haven't been around much recently and certainly haven't had any time for crafting. When I have had, the mojo has been missing so I thought I would show you a couple of things over the next few days that I have had sitting on my computer from a while ago. This is the card I did for Benn for his 14th Birthday back in May. It is using one of Linnie's Whoopsi Daisy great boy images and definitely a must for anyone who has a teenage son. I have decided to step down from all my DT now as I was really struggling to find the time to participate and not feeling great with everything was putting more pressure on myself.
My headache has eased enough now that I am at least starting to get the itch to start playing but we shall have to just wait and see. The doctor has decided to send me to a Neurologist to try and get to the bottom of it which will be good as at least I will find out what is causing it.
Well have a good week but I promise I will be back in the next few days to show you a couple more.